Cuba, done right

In Cloud 9 is run by Toby Brocklehurst. Toby, originally from the UK, has been in Cuba for over 20 years organising and facilitating tourism and business in a country where, without the inside track, it’s hard to get things done. Toby has a dedicated local team who deal with the day-to-day aspects of the business. In Cloud 9, are specialists in creating bespoke itineraries for unique vacations in Cuba, as well as providing all backup, support and fixing services for film and video production, and are able to provide Destination Management Solutions for tour operators looking to enable business in Cuba.


Toby Brocklehurst

Having travelled for much of my life, both on business and pleasure I know the things that I have enjoyed the most, and least in each place. I always enjoyed going to places before mass tourism sanitised the local culture and styles. I suppose I picked up this mentality as a child I was visiting unspoiled parts of Greece and Turkey with my parents, when most people were visiting the Spanish south coast. This gave me an appreciation of local cultures, cuisine, and the simple way people live in each place.

In the early 90’s I started to work with the, then very new, Cuban Ministry of Tourism to start promoting Cuba as a destination in the UK. Due to the US trade embargo and strong ties with the Soviet Union until its collapse, Cuba was pretty well closed to Western tourism. Having visited Cuba two or three times, met some amazing people and seen some stunning places, I realised that this was a place I wanted to really work on building up as a destination. At this time most people thought I was mad. I hope time has shown I was not, as it has developed into a stunning and popular destination for many nationalities.

The things that attracted me to Cuba in the first place, are really the “ingredients” in principal that I look for in any destination. A country in a state of change. Friendly, warm, educated people, who are always looking on the bright side of life, despite pretty hard living conditions. Stunning historical scenery, old colonial towns that are now being renovated to their original splendour. Stunning natural scenery, beautiful lush mountains, white sandy beaches and clear warm waters. The vibrant music and dance, unique to Cuba is of course a great bonus. The only thing missing in the 90’s was infrastructure, which has been improving year on year and allowing Cuba to become more accessible to foreigners.

Cuba is on the verge of great things with whispers that the country may finally be opened up to the world. Personally I think this is a great time to see the country, and let’s hope we can retain the spark that makes Cuba such a stunning destination.

I hope that you enjoy our offering. Very best wishes.

Toby Brocklehurst